Call for Application
The Blockade… The Dream…. The Art…
It gives us, Windows from Gaza for Contemporary Art, a great deal of honor to invite you to participate in Gaza’s International Festival for Video Art 2010.
Festival will take place on 19 June, 2010 in: Gaza – Jerusalem – Ramallah – Rafah – Jabalia and Nablus
Festival Overview
The overall idea of the project is to carry out an art festival under the title of: “Gaza’s First Festival for Video Art 2010”. This idea is part of our dream and is an attempt to break the siege imposed on Palestinians in Gaza. It will also help us communicate with the other world. The idea of this project emerged of Gaza’s dire need for creating a cultural atmosphere to improve the Palestinian cultural scene which has been badly affected by siege and isolation. The project also aims to bring new universal elements of art to Gaza to enrich the Palestinian culture which has witnessed a decline over the last a few years due to the deterioration of political, economic and social aspects of life, in addition to the inability of Palestinian artists to move and travel and many Arab and international artists are unable to come to Gaza. Therefore, this festival will send an open invitation to artists from all over the globe to participate in the festival and to create an opportunity for local artists to participate and contribute to the Video Art Festival. This will give the audience a chance to enjoy, appreciate and reflect on the local and international cultures. An invitation will be sent through e-mail to several cultural and artisitical institutions and individuals and advertised on cultural-based websites
فكرة المهرجان
هي إقامة مهرجان فني بعنوان"مهرجان غزة لفن الفيديو آرت الاول 2010" هذه الفكرة جزء من حلمنا ومحاولة لكسر الحصار المفروض علينا وايضا تواصل فني مع العالم الخارجي، وتأتي فكرة المهرجان من حاجة غزة لخلق حراك جديد للمشهد الثقافي الفلسطيني وإضافة عناصر عالمية جديدة الى المشهد الثقافي الذي تأثر ايضا وبشكل واضح في الحصار المفروض على غزة منذ عدة سنوات حيث ان هناك عدد كبير من الفنانين لم يستطيعوا الخروج الى العالم وايضا هناك العديد من الفنانين العرب والدوليين لم يتمكنوا من الحضور الى غزة بسبب الحصار، لذا كانت الفكرة من اقامة هذا المهرجان حيث أننا سنعمل على ارسال دعوة مفتوحة لكل الفنانين في العالم للمشاركة في هذا المهرجان وخلق فرصة للفنانين المحليين للمشاركة وايضا يمكن للمشاهد المحلي الاطلاع على الثقافة المحلية والثقافات الاخرى القادمة من بعيد.
Eligibility Criteria
- Candidates should, firstly, subscribe to Festival's Website: by creating accounts and filling in personal data and then upload the video art;
- Participating works must be video arts only – e.g. not documentary nor trial works;
- Duration of participating works must be of no longer than 10 minutes.
- Contents of participating works should not of any means, explicitly or implicitly, promote any violent or inappropriate scenes, thoughts or incitement
- "Submitted works must not include any illegal contents such as plagiarism, pornography, discrimination, or incitement
- Submitted works should be in harmony and appropriate to the Palestinian culture
- The festival organizer has the right to use the video arts in its festival-related promotion campaigns.
- Last date to send the video Art until May 21, 2010
- Selection of participating video arts will be in line with these terms and conditions, in addition to the technical selection criteria set by the committee;
- The selection committee's decision is final and cannot be contested.